Watch Muskurake Dekh Zara Online

MUSKURAKE DEKH ZARA is a story of a young 'boy man' named Vivek. It's a story of simple emotions & disappointments of love and life. Vivek (Hero) has an 'upright' attitude, and ability to put people in their place & add lightness into moody & mundane situations not only when he interacts with his life's love Preeti (Heroine) but also when he encounters & jests with the simple, funny & harmless folks - like the eccentric live in DLT (Duniya Lal Tripati), the 'badnaseeb'b xhotel manager Khaatkar , the curious curio shop owner Elton, the heroine's eternally inebriated Chaacha who feels that one's 'spirit' can be derived only from downing spirits. The film's lighter moments beautifully intersperse with the hero's portrayal of a character of depth.